

Susan Summer

Spend more time outside

1 month ago
Achieved 0%
Spend more time outside
My office is about half an hour of walking. The goal is to stop using public transport and have a lovely walk instead. Get some fresh air and all.

stop eating while watching πŸ™„

1 month ago
Achieved 0%
stop eating while watching πŸ™„
it's guilty pleasure but having a huge set of different food on your plate all yourself, some beer, add good series = perfect evening. next morning you regret it just as you get to see your face in the mirror πŸ’―πŸ’― I've had enough of this shame of not being able to control myself. From now on More

Eat less sugar 🍬

2 months ago
Achieved 0%
Eat less sugar 🍬
Too bad I find my life too stressful. So chocolate, ice cream, some cookies, add coke = a must for a daily routine. All time, every time. I have a weird feeling that it's gonna end in me having diabetes or something like that lol. I wanna eat more greens, veggies and fruitsπŸπŸŽπŸ“πŸ‡

Say 'no' to smoking!

2 months ago
Achieved 0%
Say 'no' to smoking!
My daughter hates the smell of smoking. I never smoke near her but whenever I come home from work she rushes to hug me and says that I stink. My job's been causing a lot of stress recently and I can't help lighting cigarette after cigarette so I guess she's right. Yesterday my little girl told me More
Dante πŸ”₯

1200 kilocalories per day

6 months ago
Achieved 0%
1200 kilocalories per day
Using the Harris-Benedict Formula, I calculated my daily calorie intake. This is approximately 1675 kcal. My friend says that in order to lose weight and stay at my desired weight, I need to eliminate πŸ“‰ about 20% of calories from the norm. A good reason to set a new goal πŸ˜…

Swim three times a week

6 months ago
Achieved 0%
Swim three times a week
Hi, I'm Danny and I've been running for two years now. However, due to back problems, I am temporarily unable to run. The doctor advised replacing running with swimming. I don't really like swimming. But what can I do... I need aerobic exercise. Muscles must work. That’s why I’m setting myself an More
Ms Moyer

My new goal is to run two times a we

10 months ago
Achieved 0%
My new goal is to run two times a we
Ok, here is my new goal. I promise to you and to myself to run twice a week. Absolutely every week πŸ’― No breaks. At all. I’m strong enough to do this. I will run in the city. After work. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Clyde Lawrence

Reduce stress level

1 year ago
Achieved 0%
Reduce stress level
yes, I know, this is a fairly abstract goal. but my doctor and I formulated the goal exactly like this. I have to change my life in order to get rid of some health problems
Lana Huffman

No sugar next six month at all

2 years ago
Achieved 0%
No sugar next six month at all
From now on, I make a promise to myself to give up sugar for the next six months! Substitutes such as aspartame and fructose are allowed. I have never done such experiments before :) But now my gastroenterologist suggested giving up sugar.