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Oasis tour🀟

3 days ago
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Oasis tour🀟
Never thought I'd be able to see Oasis performing live! This is a huge comeback and I'm not going to miss it. Even if it requires me traveling to other countries just for the concert night. They're touring next summer and I'll make sure to get there 😎

Learn to skate β›Έ

4 days ago
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Learn to skate β›Έ
I'm a huuuuge figure skating fan. I watch every competition and even watched some live from stadions in different countries. It's funny but I've always been way too scared to try learning jumps and spins. This winter I'll get some lessons and see how it goes πŸ‘€
Julia Martin

Put life on pause. At least sometimes.

4 days ago
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Put life on pause. At least sometimes.
The pace of life is mad crazy so finding 'me' time feels like a must. Just some time to stop. To feel alive. Inhale. Exhale. I'm creating this poster as a reminder to put life on pause sometimes and listen to silence 😌

Read 50 pages a day πŸ’―

4 days ago
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Read 50 pages a day πŸ’―
My goal is quite basic. I guess everyone's been there. I used to read a lot. And trust me A LOT. But once I got out of school, my life went way too fast leaving me a little behind and there was no time for reading. Now I find it hard to focus and it upsets me so I wanna commit to reading at least More

Buy an IPHONE 🍎

6 days ago
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Buy an IPHONE 🍎
🎀 I can buy myself flowers 🌺 Apple is not a flower, of course, but I still would want to gift myself a brand new IPhone. Getting one's been a dream for a while now. I won't be able to make it on time for Christmas but my birthday is in March and maybe it'll work πŸ“±
Lindsey Washington 😌

Practice catwalk πŸ™€

6 days ago
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Practice catwalk πŸ™€
I always loved watching supermodels strut. There's something so satisfying watching them rock with that confident look on the face. I wanna practice catwalk so I can be more graceful. That's a lil weird but I cringe every time I try. It feels weird to even try to reach their level of gorgeous πŸ˜”

stop eating while watching πŸ™„

1 week ago
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stop eating while watching πŸ™„
it's guilty pleasure but having a huge set of different food on your plate all yourself, some beer, add good series = perfect evening. next morning you regret it just as you get to see your face in the mirror πŸ’―πŸ’― I've had enough of this shame of not being able to control myself. From now on More