
Information is completely free. Without paid features and without ads. At least for now. We just love the idea 🔥 of goal visualization and want to make a good service.

At you can find ideas for long term goals, set up your own personal goals and create motivational posters. Please note, that is for your long-term goals only! For shot-term and every day goals you can use notes or calendar at your mobile phone.

⚡ Creating motivational posters is our unique life goal visualization technique.

1. What is goal visualization?

It's a proven and well known method of goal setting and achieving. The main thing is to imagine, draw or print the clear picture of accomplishing your goal in detail. As people say, we need to 👀 see it in order to achieve it.

We decided to go further and combine the inspirational pictures of your goals with motivational text to multiply visualisation effect. That's what we call a goal poster.

We've developed a very simple goal poster editor where you can create your own awesome goal posters in a few clicks. Share this posters in social media, print it and set up as a wallpaper on your mobile phone or laptop. You need to see your goal posters as often as possible. This will push you toward your goals.

goal visualization 2. How to set up the goal?

You can find some important tips at the "New goal" page. Our you can read a full goal setting guide here.

Also if you don't have your own goal picture, don't worry! We will help you to find the best inspirational picture ever. At the "New goal" page you will be able to upload your picture or to find many good photos with the free Unsplash library.

3. What's next?

A. Share your goal posters on Instagram (more info), Twitter, Facebook (more info) or any other social networks. This will prove the strength of your intentions and will make it harder for you to back down.

B. Set your goal poster as a wallpaper on your mobile phone and laptop. To set your goal poster as laptop wallpaper you will need to open a full size poster and save it. Posters created with our tool have an aspect ratio 16:9 and perfectly fit most of the laptop screens. For mobile devices you will need to adjust your goal poster. At your goal page push the green button "Make wallpaper" and choose your phone model to pick up the right aspect ratio.

C. Print your goal poster and put it on the wall at home or at work. A bit old school, but still a very good idea on how to keep the goal poster in sight.

E. Track and update the progress of your goal. We've made a very simple goal progress changing popup. Just drag the range thumb. Nothing more is needed. Goal progress is a very conditional indicator. So you decide how to update it. And if something goes wrong or new circumstances appears, just roll your progress indicator back. It's ok! Life is nontrivial 😯

D. Add photo stories. Every goal can have multiple photo stories. These are your personal photos with a short description showing how you've achieved your goal.

4. Why do we need photo stories?

This is a very good way to show and capture your path to success. Here are only a few reasons why you should add photo stories:

😎 Inspire other people to achieve their goal. It's much more easy to start acting when you know that someone has already made this. Especially when you see step by step photo stories.

🏅 Receive award badges. We manually award great goals with photo stories with badges.

🖼 Memories are very valuable. Save your success story for the future as a proof that you can set up great goals and achieve them.

See also

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