Thank you Goalposters for the good idea! I will put this poster on my mobile phone, laptop, and ipad. Let it be an amulet for me...
My plan for 2020-2021 is the following: 1. No sugar, chocolate, candies, soda, cakes. 2. No fast food, no junked food such as chips. 3. Gym two times per week. 4 Swimming two times per week. 5. No food after 9 pm. 6. Gastroenterologist and endocrinologist consultation
I hate running 😒 but I guess I should give it one more chance. The purpose is to get a better shape. And improve my well-being 😼 So my goal is to run 1,5 hours a week. It's 3 times by 30 minutes. Most likely it's too much for me. So I will start from 45 minutes a week...
I'm a freelance photographer 😁 And my doctor says that I should stick to a certain sleep pattern to avoid any health problems. She is right. But it's sooo hard to wake up early ⏰ Anyway, here my plan and goal for the next five month!
Hello, I'm noname and I'm smoking for the last eight years 😕 Hopefully this visualisation technique will push me to achieve this goal. I've already uploaded this poster to my mobile phone and laptop. Next week I will print it and put it on the wall at my house and at my work.