


Stop buying books

2 weeks ago
Achieved 0%
Stop buying books
Alright I have to admit to something stupid. Buying new books gives me cheap serotonin. The stupid part is I never actually read them. They're stored in my bookshelves for years never to be touched again. I have a hard time sitting still for long hours of reading. I get distracted like a lot. More

Read 50 pages a day 💯

2 months ago
Achieved 0%
Read 50 pages a day 💯
My goal is quite basic. I guess everyone's been there. I used to read a lot. And trust me A LOT. But once I got out of school, my life went way too fast leaving me a little behind and there was no time for reading. Now I find it hard to focus and it upsets me so I wanna commit to reading at least More
Susie Stevenson

Keep a daily journal

6 months ago
Achieved 0%
Keep a daily journal
I am overwhelmed with many different feelings and emotions that I have no one to share with... 😭😭😭 My mom advised me to keep a diary. I don't know if I have enough patience to write something down every day... But if I overcome myself, maybe one day I will even be able to become a writer...

To read 15 books by summer

4 years ago
Achieved 54%
To read 15 books by summer
4 6
Here is my list: To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee), 1984 (George Orwell), The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen), The Diary Of A Young Girl (Anne Frank), The Book Thief (Markus Zusak), The Hobbit (Tolkien), Little Women (Louisa More