Laura Heissler

Rent a camper and drive from New-York to Los Angelas

3 years ago
Achieved 0%
Rent a camper and drive from New-York to Los Angelas
Hi, I'm Laura and I dream to make this fantastic trip with my family :) I discussed this venture with my husband. And we decided that we would try to make my dream come true next summer. It should be a great experience for my kids too. But we need a good camper! In the US they call it CR or a motorhouse.

Oh my god, my palms were sweating while I was making this poster! ))
Zoe Mitchell Zoe Mitchell 3 years ago
oh, you had a very long task to build a route 😂
Laura Heissler Laura Heissler 3 years ago
I will )
It's not ready yet. But I have some good ideas
Oliver Halleck Oliver Halleck 3 years ago
Wow, great poster